Usher's Stepson "Kile Glover" Finally Gets Justice As Police Arrest a suspect and Charge Him with Homicide By Vessel!! -- The jet ski operator who allegedly ran over Usher's stepson in a Georgia lake last summer -- killing the 11-year-old boy -- was arrested this morning ... TMZ has learned.
Jeffrey Simon Hubbard was indicted on Thursday by a Grand Jury in Hall County, Georgia. The District Attorney tells TMZ Hubbard was indicted for Homicide by Vessel, Serious Injury by Vessel, as well as Reckless Operation of a Vessel.

TMZ broke the story ... Kile Glover suffered severe brain injuries on July 8th when police believe Hubbard's jet ski collided with him. Kile was on an inflatable raft at the time of the accident. Kile was hosptialzied, and never regained consciousness.
He died on July 21. Hubbard is currently being held without bail. We're told he'll be in front of a judge this weekend ... when a decision will be made on whether he can be released on bail.