Jaribu hii...trust me it works...au sioooo!
There’s a lot of sex advice out there. Cosmos can give us a new sex position to try every day of the year, but I still find myself asking my friends, “…Well, what do I really do?” As a girl, it’s easy to sink in to a passive role during sex, so what can we do to have our partners raving? I went to some of my best guy friends for advice.
1) Turn Up the Foreplay: To my surprise, a lot of guys seem to like being kept waiting. One thing that kept coming up was to turn him on way before sex actually starts. When you’re out to lunch or at a party, try slipping him little signals that you can’t wait to get him alone.
2) Be More Vocal: Tell your guy what you want, what feels good, and what doesn’t feel good. Otherwise, he has no idea if he’s doing a good job or not and is left feeling insecure. Plus, keeping quiet means you’re sacrificing your pleasure, too. Everyone was in agreement: The worst thing you can do is fake it.
3) Relax and Enjoy It: Don’t pressure him about finishing or about the meeting you have to get to. Being in the moment and showing some enthusiasm can make a world of difference. One of my friends told me, “The best times are when you can tell that girl really enjoys pleasuring you. There are girls who seem really bored or anxious and that sucks ‘cause then I feel weird about it.”
4) Experiment: Having an open mind about trying new things keeps the sex fresh and your man happy, it seems. Don’t nix every idea your guy throws your way without some consideration first. Having you shoot down all his ideas can make him feel hurt, ignored and incompetent.
5) Take Control: A lot of the time we just sit back and let the guy do all or most of the work. Try being the one who initiates the sex this time. Or, when you’re in the bedroom, get on top and let him relax for a little bit. Guys get tired, too!