In the heat of her hype, it’s easy to forget how far Nicki Minaj has come from her days as a struggling MC.
For, putting her revival of Female Rap aside, her feats as an artist/aspiring mogul have been astounding to say the least.
From scoring a lucrative 360 deal with the folk over at Young Money , to negotiating her way into MAC‘s Viva Glam campaign, it’s clear to see that her ‘rise to the top’is down to her oft overlooked business savvy, and not her oh-so infamous ‘assets’.Speaking to the deal’s middle man Derek Jackson, the company confirmed:
Minaj will become the face of a new Pepsi beverage nearing its debut. He said the pact, which includes a commercial filmed in South America last month is a multimillion-dollar deal.
Named ‘Pop’, the beverage’s commercial- which stars Nicki- was shot in South Africa in February, and according to Jackson stands as a ‘seven figure commitment’, possibly the Rapper’s biggest deal to date.
He explained:
You’ll see the commercial probably in the next two months, That’ll be a segue into Pepsi’s ‘Pop,’ and she’ll be the face of the brand … it’s going to be explosive.
While the act a money makes by no means defines how successful they are- see 50 Cent- we can’t but commend Nicki on this achievement.
Because, unlike a certain Rihanna, Minaj seems to understand that wigs, gimmicks and ‘microwave Pop’ can only take a girl so far, and if an act is too succeed in the long run- deals like these must be made today, to protect their finances tomorrow.