Word is the romance between Shaq and fiancee Hoopz is over and didn’t end with out major drama. Sources report that Shaq had his fun and was ready to move on. I was told by a very close source to him…
“He was cheating on her the hole time, and like most celebs an attention ho*, that acts like he never wants press. Shaq love to trick off and like most men, and loves things he can’t have.”
Although my source didn’t know the statues of there relationship now, they did say its always with a different girl around. (Update coming soon)
Hello Beautiful reports Shaq allegedly broke the news to Hoopz two weeks ago and let’s just say she was not happy, ish got messy and security had to escort her out of the house.v Source say
“Hoopz got emotional, and Shaq had to protect himself [from a lawsuit] . . . so he left the house and had [his security] help Hoopz gather her things and leave.”