Mr.Ignas Diu was PACIFA LLC anapenda kuwatangazia mchango wa harusi wa binti yake Neema Ignas Diu  Itakayo fanyika tarehe 16th March at the HILTON HOTEL Rockville chini ya anuani 1750 Rockville Pike Rockvile MD 20852.
          Pia mama wa Neema angependa kuwaalika katika bridal shower/kitchen party ya mwanae mpendwa tarehe 2nd March same adress but the Time is 6pm come one come all...Please show a little support to make this event happen for my little Angel your contribution is highly appreciated
And acknowledged and the following accounts and contacts and info would be the best way to pitch in:
      Neema Diu 240 603 7717..Bank Fund Staff Credit Union acc no: 4131 8670 0002 1226(Bride)
      Lulu Tesha 240 316 1822.kwa wale wa baltimore.(Brides maid)
      George Ketto 240 688 2218..(Groom)